Continuing research
I have just been reading about a discussion on the Guild of One Name Studies regarding ownership of research. Having done a lot of hard work on your family tree or one name study what will become of it when you are no longer able to continue? Do you have family / friends / colleagues who are ready and willing to take it on; if so you are probably one of the lucky few. Perhaps you are planning on donating it to some form of library so that others can have access but this leads to further questions like do they want it, in the form it is currently in, does anyone know that you have arranged for it to go and who to contact. What about email accounts and social media - does anyone know how to get access. A little bit of planning how might make everything a lot easier - if your chosen deposit needs everything index perhaps creating that index should go on your To Do list. Perhaps those you have been in contact with could be asked to help so that there is a natural...